Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Our Journey

Hello everyone! I've wanted to write a blog for some time now, but haven't exactly known where to begin. It is my hope that this will be mostly about adoption, as that is my passion. Here's a little bit of our story:

I am Jennifer, a 30 something mom from a rural suburb in a very Southern state. I married my college sweetheart 8 years ago and it's been a wonderful journey! My husband and I talked about adopting long before we got married and we began pursuing our dream almost 3 years ago. Our adoption story isn't typical. We applied with a wonderful agency in November 2008 (right after Thanksgiving), had a whirlwind homestudy, and received a call to match us on January 9th. We flew halfway across the country on January 21st to meet the most amazing kiddo and he's made our lives interesting and magical ever since.

About a year ago, we felt that familiar tugging on our hearts. We knew that we were ready to begin the process of adopting again. We officially put in an application in February and are in the midst of a very different adoption experience than our first.

We feel like we've learned a TON about adoption and have lots to say about the process. We want to help others who are going through this and will feature topics on various aspects of domestic adoption. If you adopt internationally, stay tuned. I have several friends who have navigated that path too and I'm hoping they'll guest blog from time to time. Feel free to ask anything if you are seriously considering adoption as a way to grow your family. We understand how scary and overwhelming the process can be! We will answer the best we can. Thanks for reading, more to come soon....


  1. I love the title of your blog! Thanks for sharing! I'm still not certain we want children, but if we do, I think adoption may be our option.

  2. welcome to the blogging world! Can't wait to hear more from you! xoxo!

  3. So excited for your family. I will be waiting with great anticipation to hear the next steps you will be going through and where it will take you. May it be a great adventure. Hopefully not too many ups and downs. You know you need the downs in order to know you are having the ups.

  4. Absolutely love that you are doing this!!!
